
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pentagon taking closer look at Dover mortuary

The Pentagon is launching a drive to ensure that military members and their families in dealing with human remains in the military mortuary at Dover defects - including the loss of body parts of two instances - has been fixed.

This effort faces obstacles, including the investigation by an independent federal agency to run the morgue, the Air Force, not the face of Dover's business all the fault assertion.

The day after (Tuesday) to disclose its findings to the Air Force, in Dover, Delaware, the remains of improper handling facilities, Defense Secretary 利昂帕内塔 directed at the morgue a special review to be completed within 60 days.

"Let me very clear about our fallen heroes every step of the measures to be taken to protect their loved ones, deserve the honor and dignity of the family," Panetta said in a written statement.

What the so-called "gross mismanagement of the Air Force has been punished three morgue supervisor," but no one in the case of a terrible launch improper and shameful memories at Arlington National Cemetery remains wrong.

Air Force, which runs the morgue, admit defeat, while upholding the right decision, without notice and missing body parts, until the last weekend of the family - months after the completion of the mortuary of the 14 sets of three members of staff accused of the probe.

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, told a Pentagon news conference, he and services, civilians, 迈克尔唐利, for Dover and ultimately responsible for the occurrence of errors.

"There is no escape from it," Schwartz said.

However, an independent federal investigative bodies, the Special Adviser's Office, said the Air Force has dropped to accountability. The Office, forwarding the original whistleblower allegations in May and July 2010, followed by the Air Force Pentagon review of the investigation report, accusing taken wrong Dover between 2008 and 2010, the too narrow a view.

"Several Air Force's findings do not support the evidence presented, it will not appear reasonable, the special prosecutor's office said." "In these cases, the Air Force's report reflects the wrongful act of the treatment is still not guilty of the pattern."

Special Adviser Carolyn Lerner said her office is investigating three in several ways, including attempts to fire one of their air force in retaliation for whistle-blower allegations.

Three informants still work in Dover. They are James Parsons, corrosion / autopsy technician; Mary Ellen Spera, mortuary inspection; and William Zwicharowski, a senior mortuary checks.

There are no criminal wrongdoing recommendations Dover, and the Air Force said it found no evidence, in Dover intentional mishandling of the failure of any remains. They are mainly in the program crashes and failed to solve the problem, over time, has been attributed to construction errors.

Terrible revelation there, Schwartz admitted that mistakes were made during the period when the U.S. troops in Iraq killed during a higher incidence before 2008, it may be. Other Air Force officials said on Monday that they know Dover's handled properly, still without the prior cases.

"I can not prove with certainty prior to the improvement of performance in line with our standards," Schwartz told reporters.

Dover received all U.S. war dead to implement the program, where the dignity and mutual respect, treatment is still a premium. Medical examination and further procedures, and positively identify the remains to determine the cause of death. After embalming, mortician, and a team ready to dispose of the remains. The investigators found that medical inspection of the gap between the funeral industry. The two groups reported different military chain of command.

Integral part of the two cases in April 2009. It involves the ankle bone fragments embedded in human tissues from the Air Force F - 15 fighter aircraft crashed in Afghanistan and two crew members. Empty plastic bag marked with this part of the body was found in the normal process, the gap in the side bags. Integral part of the staff can not be accounted for.

Another example is in July 2009, involving human tissue an inch or two of one length of a soldier killed in Afghanistan. The case in April, bags, was found inside an empty slot in its side. Never at a lack of organization.

Officials said that in any case, they suspected foul play, criminal acts or willful misconduct of the missing still.

Two people were punished in the three officials were still working at Dover, but there is no supervision of the work. Not be dismissed.

In reviewing the Air Force probe, Special Prosecutor's Office disputed the conclusion that no allegations of improper handling are still up against the law or regulations. Special counsel to submit their own reports, the White House and the House of Representatives and the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Special Prosecutor's Office and the Air Force claimed that it was taking full responsibility.

"While the report reflects a willingness to seek and some loss (body) of cases of illegal foreign instruments and errors, the result can not handle stop accepting accountability to maintain the necessary reverence, care and dignity commensurate with their circumstances," it said.

Two additional cases of lost body parts, the Air Force review of the morgue officials as close to prevent his body was placed in his uniform to watch, from a Marine's body highlighting allegations of misconduct by the arm bone saw before the burial. Marine's family have asked to see his uniform, but did not seek - told - decided to cancel the bone.

Oceans, their identity was not released by the Air Force in January 2010 roadside bomb killed in Afghanistan.

Air Force Inspector General in June 2010 to begin his investigation, and completed in May 2011. It concluded, the morgue did not violate any rules or deleted, because it does not control the ocean bone. But the Air Force has changed procedures to ensure that the services on behalf of the deceased - in this case, the Marine Corps - whether a family should be so significant changes in physical contact before the official said.

There are four families directly affected by the investigation it was told last weekend, by the Air Force officials.


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